How to Send an Email and View Email Reports

Learn how to send an email asset and view email reports.

Track your clicks, opens, bounces, undeliverables, and unsubscribes through your Activity by Email Report, and click through to view the unique contacts behind each activity. Then, configure and enable your Active Lead Report to automatically receive a detailed report by email at a few intervals after the email is sent.


Before sending out your first email asset, you should import your contacts and create an email list. Please view this article and scroll to the section labeled “Managing a List”. You will want to focus on “Creating a New Lead List” and “Importing Leads”. To learn how to import your Leads, please view this article.

Remember to turn on your Active Lead Report

Now that you have imported your contacts, you should configure and enable your Active Lead Report. Turn this on before you start sending email campaigns so that you can see how your emails are doing throughout the week. To enable your Active Lead Report, please view this article.

How to send an email:

Step 1: Pick an email asset you would like to send. Click on your desired channel to see which email assets are available for the week. You can also send email assets from previous weeks, or use the search function to find an email you would like to send.



Step 2: Click the “Email This” button, and view the provided email template. All of your emails will be formatted and personalized with your company banner and contact information. To help personalize your emails, please make sure your Profile Information is complete.


Note: While we recommend sending out the already built and customized template, you do have the ability to edit the messaging as you see fit by clicking the “Edit” button above the Email Body. Be careful not to add anything too fancy or you could break the format.

Step 3: Choose the Lead List to which you would like to send the email. Check the box next to the list. You may send the email to multiple lists. If the same contact is in more than one selected list, that contact will only receive one email.


Send Sample To: If you would like to send a sample to yourself or a person on your team for review, or a single prospect who may or may not be on your mailing list, click “Send Sample To…” Enter each email address in the box and you can enter multiple addresses by entering a comma or pressing the Enter key after each one.


Change Sender Information: If you have secondary users added to your account, you have the ability to use an alternate FROM email address when sending emails. Use the “Use alternate based on a selected user” drop-down menu to change the sender information. You will only be able to send emails from one of your registered Users. You can add a user to your account by selecting Manage Users from the gear pull-down menu on the right side of the menu bar.


Change Reply To Information: If you would like to change the “reply to” email address for a specific email campaign, you have the ability to write in an alternate email address. When email recipients click Reply in their email client, this is the email address to which the reply message will be sent. 


Step 4: Click “Post” to send the email immediately, or use the calendar and the clock to pick a certain date and time to schedule your email.


Step 5: You will then be brought to a confirmation screen where you can view the email, the email address it is being sent from, and to which list(s) or email address(es) the email is being sent. Scroll to the bottom and click “Confirm” when you are ready to post or schedule your email.


How to view email reports:

Step 1: On your top navigation bar, click on “Reports” and then click on “Activity by Email”.


Note: The “Activity by Email” report will track your clicks, opens, bounces, undeliverables, and unsubscribes. Analyzing email metrics, such as unsubscribe rates, can help optimize your contact lists and ensure that your marketing efforts reach engaged and interested recipients.

Step 2: The “Activity by Email” report shows each individual email you have sent, with the provided metrics in the categories listed below. 


Step 3: You also have the ability to modify the report by clicking “Modify Report”. You can track the results of past email campaigns by filtering by date, a specific metric (e.g. most clicks), by email list, or by content type (e.g. video). Then, click “Run Report” when you are satisfied with your desired filters. You may also export this report data to a CSV file by clicking “Export.”


Step 5: Click on the “Contacts” icon to view the specific people who have taken that action on your email campaign. Click on the “World” icon to view the links that have been clicked on your email campaign.


Step 6: Once you click on the “Contacts” icon, you will be able to view the information of the customers who have taken that action on your email. You will also be able to view their Lead Score. To view more about Leads, read this article.


Click the “World” icon to view the links your contacts have clicked. Then, you can click the “Contacts” icon again here to view who has clicked on that link.


You can also check out other Reporting metrics, including the following, under the “Reports” tab.


You can view this article for additional information. 

Your Weekly Activity Report

You can also check out your Weekly Activity Report, which is delivered to you every Sunday. Learn how to enable and disable this report by reading this article. Your Weekly Activity Report will inform you with data and information about your top Marketing Qualified Leads for the previous thirty days. This is the fastest and easiest way to keep track of your Leads, along with enabling your Active Lead Report.


If you have any further questions, please reach out to