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  2. Leads and Purchase Intent

Your Partner Page and Activity Reports

The content you publish is hosted on your search-friendly Partner Page. This is where customers and prospects find and engage with your business and can further explore your products and services.

Your Partner Page (also known as your microsite) is provided with every account and it expands automatically as you publish content. This is the destination of clicks from social and blog posts and your emails. It is also a page designed to appear in Search results.

Activity on your published content is tracked and it is further amplified through the Partner Page.

Click below to learn more about:

  • How Your Page Works for You
  • Looking at Visitor Activity and Purchase Intent
  • Determining Purchase Intent from Your Activity Reports

How Your Page Works for You

The Partner Page is where people view the content you publish - whether it is a document, video, or link to a resource. Clicks from social media, your blog, or email campaigns all bring visitors to your Page. 

A visitor can be anonymous at the start, but when coming from email or when filling out a form to access high value content, they become an Identified Visitor. A visitor is also identified when they sign in using Google, Microsoft, or LinkedIn to access special features on the Partner Page.

Identified visitors remain identified even when they come back through links posted to social media or blogs. These are valuable leads - and because we can tie specific content and search keywords to these visitors, we can establish their area of interest and their level of purchase intent.

Interactive Features of Your Page

Your Partner Page actually consists of multiple web pages. Every item you publish generates a landing page that is part of your Partner Page. You also have a Main Page where you can see a summary of the recent items you have published along with information about your company.

Here is an example showing a Main page where we highlight some of the key functionalities. Some functions appear only on the Main page, and others re-occur on every landing page.


Call to Action Buttons and Icons

These buttons appear at the top of your Home page, and every content landing page, and are designed to collect information from visitors, request meetings and link to your social media, your website and even your marketplace listing. You can configure many of these links through the My Profile menu on your dashboard. 

Content Search and Chat

Visitors can locate information you publish through the Search Box. Here a search phrase can be entered and recommended content will be displayed. 

The AI chat feature lets visitors interact with your Page. Visitors can explain their problems and receive recommended solutions, including relevant documents to further their research.

The keywords used to search your content are reported back to you through the Visitor Activity reports.

Sign In to Access Premium Content and Features

Visitors can secure their access to your Page using Google, Microsoft or LinkedIn credentials. Authenticated Visitors unlock powerful features including bookmarked content, saved search, and more.

Highlight Video

The Main page is where you can introduce visitors to your business who are finding you through Search. Add a video hosted on Vimeo or YouTube to your Profile and it will appear prominently on your Partner Page. The highlight video URL can be specified in your account Profile.

Company Description and Profile

The top section of your Main page will display information you include in the About Us section of your account Profile. This is an opportunity to provide an “elevator pitch” about your business and the benefits you offer. Included in this section are the answers you made to the Business Profile questions in your account including your Business Type, the types of Solutions you offer and the Industries you support. 

Published Content

The rest of the Main page is dedicated to the display of the most recent content you publish. These items will link to the landing page where the content and its associated asset can be viewed.

How to See Your Page

Your Page is accessible from the side bar of your Partner Dashboard. The URL prefix will be based on your account username by default, but you can change the prefix to another available label. Click the Pencil icon next to the URL to modify it.


You will also see your Page when you publish content and follow the link to read it

Looking at Visitor Activity and Purchase Intent

The activity that occurs on your Page due to search and generated from published content will be tracked. This information is then reported in the following ways:

  • Page Views and Identified Visitors in the Activity on Posted Content report
  • Page Activity Summary report
  • Page Visitors report
  • Your Weekly Activity Report by Email

Page Views in the Activity on Posted Content report

The Activity on Posted Content report is accessed from the Reports menu. As items are published, clicks to view the content will be displayed as Page Views.


When it is possible to identify the person behind the Page View, you will see the number of Identified Page Views shown in parenthesis. You can then click on this number to see more information about these identified visitors.


The Page Activity Summary Report

To access the Page Activity Summary report, select “Page Activity Summary” from the Reports menu. By default, this report looks at the last 30 days of activity associated with your Page. This includes activity on the Main Page and on each Content Page. Click on the numbers to reveal the content associated with the activity and the visitors behind it.

You also can see the results of people searching for content on your Page or how people are finding you through Search.

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The Page Visitors Report

To access the Page Visitors Report, select “Page Visitors” from the Reports menu. This report indicates the unique visitors to your Page (whether it is on the Main Page or the Content Pages). Both Unidentified and Identified Visitors will be displayed. Multiple unique unidentified visitors will appear here. Over time, as visitors register to receive content or click on emails, the old Page activity assigned to the Unidentified Visitor will be assigned to the new Identified Visitor record.


Click on a visitor to view the Visitor Detail report. In this report you will see a summary of the recent activity associated with this visitor. Use this information to gain further insight into what types of content the visitor is clicking to see or trying to find. This will provide important Buyer Intent information about this person that can accelerate your sales process.

Your Weekly Activity Report Email

Once per week, you receive an email containing an Activity Report. This report highlights visits to your Page and the top MQLs (Marketing Qualified Leads) generated from your published content.

Recent Leads

The report has a summary section followed by Recent Leads. This includes:

  • Unique Page Visits across all of your landing pages
  • Social MQLs - from reactions to social media
  • Email MQLs - generated from email clicks
  • Form MQLs  - Level 4 leads that are collected when gated content forms are completed.


Visitors to Your Page

Below the Recent Leads you will see further details on your Page Visits. This is a breakdown of visits from the last week and a longer view from the last 90 days. This includes the number of unique page visitors, the number of searches, the number of people searching, the keywords they are using, and what content is being returned.


Below the Visitors to Your Page, you will see a summary of the activity from content you published over the last two weeks. This includes details from your top four posts made each week.

TIPNot seeing data in one of the columns? This indicates an area where you can do more. Email MQLs are only generated if you upload and send emails to your mailing list. Social MQLs are only detected when you publish actively to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Form MQLs are only collected when you publish Gated Content (often shown as “Build Your List” content).

Determining Purchase Intent from Your Activity Reports

Purchase Intent data is collected directly from your published content and email campaigns. This information reflects how potential buyers interact with this content, providing insights into their behaviors, interests, and readiness to purchase. This observed behavior can directly inform your sales process.

How do you generate Purchase Intent data? 
Publish content and send email campaigns every week. Be sure to include Gated “Build Your List” Content and upload your email list to send the ready-made email campaigns. Email in particular is an important way to identify Purchase Intent.

Start with Your Weekly Activity Report

The starting point for identifying leads with purchase intent is your Weekly Activity Report. Here you will find lists of your most recent Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs). Click on these leads to take the next step, or click the Open Report link to see the full report in your Dashboard.

Social MQLs - Click on the name of the person who has reacted to content to see their social media profile. Then, work within that social network to learn more about this person and if they are qualified, use direct messaging to invite further conversation  Click on the Open Report link to view the full list of Social MQLs and to see what particular content generated reactions.

Email MQLs - Click on the email address to open the contact in your dashboard and view other activities associated with this person. Email MQLs are indicators of interest, and when correlated with other content engagement over time, you can enter a sales conversation with better context and confidence.

Form MQLs - Click on the contact name to open the contact record in your dashboard. These Level 4 leads are collected from Gated “Build Your List” content. When you receive Form MQLs they show the highest level of engagement and Purchase Intent.

Advanced Topic: Customizing Your Page Design

There are several ways to customize your Page to fit your branding. This includes choosing between several templates that offer different content arrangements and changing the style of various elements on the page such as the background color, the font colors, the font types and sizes, etc.

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To modify your page, click the Change/Customize Your Page button. Then, use the template chooser to choose the layout you would like to use for your Main Page.


Click Edit Style to modify the sections of the template using the Style Bar..


Click on the section name in the Style Bar to see the options you can set.