Use your “Activity by Posted Item” report to view your social engagement reactions including likes, comments, shares, clicks, and impressions.
What are reactions?
Reactions are part of your social engagement activity. Reactions include Likes, Loves, Applause, and other ways in which people react to a posting they see in their social feed. When an audience member responds to your posts, they are acknowledging your social media presence and are interested in your posted content. Reactions are an important indicator of customers and prospects that are engaging with you. We call this a Social MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead). Social MQL's are people you could be doing business with in the future. These can come in the form of:
Reactions/Likes- When one of your audience members “likes” or “thumbs-up” your post it is called a Like. In addition to Likes, reactions include other responses such as Applause, Love, etc.
Comments- When one of your audience members writes a comment, question, statement, or feedback on your post.
Shares- When one of your audience members shares your content to their own social media page. This usually means your name remains on the post. Sharing does not mean they take the content and post it themselves. A retweet on another Twitter feed is also considered a type of Share.
Clicks- When one of your audience members clicks on a link that you have posted.
Impressions- The total potential audience who would be eligible to see this posting. The recipients do not need to view or engage with your content for it to be considered an impression.
Facebook Views or LinkedIn Views- The number of times your post has been displayed on someone’s feed (on Facebook / LinkedIn). The viewer does not have to explicitly click on your content for the View to be counted.
How to view your social reactions:
Step 1: Navigate to “Activity by Posted Item” in the navigation bar under “Reports”
Step 2: View your “Activity by Posting” report. You can choose to Modify the report, export the report, or view it as is.
Tip: You can modify the report by choosing a date range, filtering by channel, content type, “Network”, or promotion, grouping by theme, or ordering by certain specifications.
Step 3: Once the report is run, you will be able to see your reactions on the current page.
Step 4: Once you view the report, you can also view which audience members have reacted or responded to your post. This can be an indicator of a new prospect or lead. This also will give you the option to choose if you’d like to follow up with them.
To view who has reacted/liked your posts, click on the number of "Reactions/Likes" included in one of your reporting rows:
This will open up a box with each network you posted that asset to. It will include your overall impressions, clicks, reactions, comments, and shares for that post. Next, click on the hyperlink that leads to LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter:
The hyperlink will lead you to the post on your social media page. From there you can click on the number of reactions to view who has reacted to your post. You will also be able to see comments and shares here.
View our Social Reactions Quick Tip Video!
Do you have questions or feedback about this feature? Let us know!