Using Mentions on “Share This” assets for LinkedIn posts

Easily tag a company using our mention feature in the LinkedIn Status Message box on “Share This” assets.

Note: This feature is not currently available for mentioning personal LinkedIn pages. It is only available for mentioning company pages.


Step 1: Navigate to a “Share This” asset that you would like to post.

Step 2: Click on “Share This” and scroll down to the box labeled “Facebook/LinkedIn Status Message”

Note: The mention feature currently only works for LinkedIn. It does not work on Facebook. You will have to go to your Facebook post to manually tag your intended company.

Step 3: Use our suggested status message and add your mentions, or start crafting your own message. Type the “@” symbol to have the “Select to mention” box appear.

Note: To use our suggested status message, please copy and paste it from the “Suggested Status Message” box below, into the box above. You can then customize it as you’d like or leave it as is.

Tagging Option 1: Search the company name in the box. If the mention feature recognizes the company name, your option will appear. Select “Continue” to add the mention to the status message.

Tagging Option 2: When using the search bar, if you cannot find your intended company, please input the URL of the company’s LinkedIn page. This can be found in the address bar in your browser when you’re on the company page.

Press find, and then press continue.

End Result: Once you have clicked continue, the mention will be added to your status message and will look something like this:

Note: Once the mention is saved into the post, you can click on the blue highlighted handle to edit your mention.


This is how the mention will appear on LinkedIn:


Do you have any feedback or questions about this feature? Let us know!